Plant Health Care

Plant Health Care Services
in Lancaster County, PA

Keep Your Plants Healthy

Protect your plants, trees, and grass from harmful diseases and insects. Our team can diagnose most issues & ailments affecting plants and provide targeted treatments.

Plant Health Care Program

We take a holistic approach to our plant health care program while proactively managing your tree and shrub health and appearance. Our program includes: seasonally timed fertilizers, oils, insecticides and fungicides to assist your trees and shrubs to better resist pests and tolerate general environmental stresses. Our six visit seasonal plans focus on maintaining a healthy ecosystem for your trees and shrubs, distributed by our trained applicators.

Plant Health Care

We identify the threats to your trees and shrubs, plan accordingly, and treat seasonally to discourage insects and disease from taking root and harming your plant material.

Spotted Lanternfly Control

Over the last few years, Lancaster County has been invaded by the spotted lanternfly. We can help you protect your trees and remove this invasive species from your property.